The dynamism of life is still a mystery that nobody can fathom. New ideas and innovations are birthed every single day. They say the only thing that is constant in life is CHANGE. One assertion of the Nobel Prize winning author John Steinbeck states that

“It is the nature of man as he grows older to protest against change, particularly a change for the better”

John C. Maxwell further buttresses this fact by stating that “Most people don’t like change.”

I have also come to understand that the average human would prefer to do things in the same pattern over and over. He isn’t always open to discovering the possibility of doing new things or even doing old things in new ways.

The propensity for him to stick to his regular patterns and routines of activities is so high because it is convenient for him and he is used to such patterns of living.

One way you can fully maximise your potentials, and become what you desire and what you are destined for, is to believe in change and expect change.

John C. Maxwell said “change is the price of progress.”

Whenever you notice a change in an individual’s outward or physical expressions, they are progressing at something. They are consuming certain contents that’s influencing their actions.

You can be deliberate about change, you can make up your mind to apply new approaches to your way of living and to your routines, you can choose to take up new lines of action, you can change as much as you want, until you are settled in your heart.

You are probably still stiff on chasing your passion or putting your ideas out because you are afraid of change. You have gotten so used to being where you are currently. Perhaps you tried a few times and then you gave up.

You feel you are incompetent, you are worried about how people will react. You are scared of rejection, failure and criticism. This is a state of mind that is capable of limiting you.

Don’t be afraid to change. Change isn’t something to be feared, it is a concept and a phenomenon that should be expected. It is a proof of growth, curiosity, determination, progress, and realisation of passion and purpose.

Change happens always and if it isn’t happening to you, you are probably ignorant of this blessing in disguise, or maybe you are consciously avoiding change, not investing in self-improvement, or perhaps you are surrounded by a lot of mediocrity and so you become complacent and see no reason to maximise your passion, skills, abilities and interests.

It’s possible for your desires to change, don’t be afraid if you no longer fancy certain things anymore. Don’t be scared if you suddenly desire to be different and intentional about your actions. Try out new things. If you have faith in the prospects of that idea, go for it.

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, self-actualization is the greatest need of humans which is a mental state of feeling fulfilled. To become self-actualized, change is inevitable.

Be open to change, make changes when you need to, it doesn’t hurt, it only advances you.


Are you having difficulties adopting changes in certain areas of your life? Are willing to make changes?

Try these three exercises.


Identify the areas of your life where you want to experience changes. By identify, I mean, write them down.


Find out what you can do to experience changes in that area of your life. Define the actions you need to take and document them.


Once you know what you need to do, create a schedule for those activities and commit yourself to carrying them out one at a time.

ChangeAgent #PurposefulLiving #MaximizingPotentials #Self-actualization

Published by Queensley Ojo

Queensley Ojo is a writer and blogger. She is interested in personal development, self improvement, mindset improvement. She reaches out to people through writing, and other platforms by sharing her knowledge and experiences. She loves reading, teaching, public speaking, movies, music and spending time with family and friends.

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